Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Post All About AIOs!

What is an AIO diaper?

AIO stands for All In One. An AIO diaper is a diaper in which the insert, or absorbent material, is sewn or otherwise fastened inside a pocket and cannot be removed. The insert doesn't touch the baby. This kind of diaper is most like a disposable in that it goes on with snaps or Velcro and the entire thing comes off. It is waterproof so you don't need a cover, you don't have to take out the insert or change the inserts, etc. You cannot customize the absorbency unless you add a doubler, which can add bulk. AIOs take longer to wash and dry but are more daddy/daycare/babysitter/grandparent friendly and easier when making the transition from disposables to cloth. They are easier to change when you have a squirmy baby and are especially easy for toddlers. There are more layers to get clean and you can have complications with them not drying all the way. Because it takes loner to wash and dry them they spend more time in the dryer which can hurt them and make them not last as long.

I Recommend

I am currently in the testing phase of OsoCozy AIOs. I'm not sure about them yet but they seem absorbant, although drying time is VERY long. (More than twice the time of my prefolds, pockets, inserts, and doublers!) So I will come back to you when I know more how it works.
AIO May be Right For You:
You need something quick and convenient
You are making the switch from disposables to cloth, especially late in the game
You have a very squirmy toddler or baby
Your child is in daycare and you plan to cloth diaper at daycare
Your children's other caregivers are hesitant about cloth
You only plan on CDing one child
Some Problems You May Encounter With AIOs:
They take longer to wash and dry
They may wear out faster
They may not get washed or dried all the way which can cause problems

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